Thursday, 7 April 2011

Tohoku Earthquake images and stories

Tracy and Dee of 37 Frames Photography recently traveled from Tokyo to Tohoku with Peace Boat to offer humanitarian assistance. Here is their blog documenting the mission.
Good on them for making the time and taking the effort to help out.
It is heartwarming to see some people smiling in the photos during such a tough time.
Heart wrenching stuff...

Cherry Blossom season 2011

According to the Japanese Weather site Weathermap, Tokyo's Cherry Blossoms are expected to be in full bloom from the 8th of April.
The best viewing dates are predicted between the 5th and 11th of April.
Over the next week the Cherry Blossoms will be in full bloom in the Tsunami affected areas. Hopefully, the people will get some joy during this extremely difficult time.